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Smoking may protect against Parkinson’s disease – but it’s more likely to kill you
20 June 2016
Final Year Biomedical Science Student Makes Break-Through Cancer Discovery
02 July 2015
Cancer Cells do it the “quick-and-dirty way”
10 June 2014
Cell Cycle & DNA Repair Research Laboratory

Why do we get cancer?
My research group tries to find answers to why normal cells turn malignant by studying how our genetic information changes over time. Many of the key events which alter the DNA occur when cells copy their chromosomes. During this process the DNA must be opened up which makes it vulnerable to breakage and chemical modifications.
We use the fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) and human cells to research diverse pathways ranging from cell cycle regulators to DNA damage checkpoints to the circadian clock, all working together to prevent these genetic aberrations.
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